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Create an email claim

You must create and lock an item before creating an email claim on the item.


To prevent double counting, the platform disallows email claims to be created on items already listed for sale.

Issue a POST request to the email-claims endpoint to create an email claim on the item.

Example payload
"email": "string",
"item_id": "4d8cd62e-a579-4dae-af8c-3172f96f8f7c",
"quantity": 1,
"tx_payer": "BUYER" | "SELLER",
"campaign_id": "762f86b9-3a45-43ef-a617-2562839a20ed"
  • quantity must be 1 for ERC-721 items and must be less than the max_supply of ERC-1155 items.
  • tx_payer specifies which party pays for gas fees when claiming the NFT. If not specified, transaction is paid by SELLER by default. If set to BUYER, a voucher_id is returned.
  • campaign_id - The email campaign to use for this listing.
Example response
"active": true,
"claimed": true,
"claimed_at": null,
"collection_id": "4bdef85c-3f50-4006-a713-2350da665f80",
"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"email": "string",
"expiration": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"item_id": "4d8cd62e-a579-4dae-af8c-3172f96f8f7c",
"last_pin_code_email_sent_at": null,
"quantity": 1,
"token_id": "string",
"tx_hash": null,
"tx_payer": "BUYER",
"voucher_id": "1b5a607b-e5eb-4b17-80b0-5739c041e81b",
"campaign_id": "762f86b9-3a45-43ef-a617-2562839a20ed"