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Issue a contract function request

You can use the API to interact with a collection contract by:

Each method uses a payload similar to:

Example payload
"arguments": ["1"]

The arguments property should contain all parameters in the correct order for the function.


To inspect a function and see which parameters it has, get the function details.


The collection contract must have functions_enabled set to True for the endpoint to be accessible. You can set this by editing the collection.

Read a value from a contract function

Issue a POST request to the /functions/{function_id}/call endpoint to read a value from the on-chain smart contract state.


A function can only be called this way if the stateMutability in the ABI is equal to view.

The output of this request is a JSON object containing the on-chain state.

Execute a contract function

Enable manual execution

By default, contract functions aren't configured to be manually executed. A function must be configured for manual execution before it can be the target of this endpoint. Issue a PATCH to the /functions/{function_id} endpoint and pass in "enabled": true.

Example payload
"enabled": true

Submit the transaction

Issue a POST request to the /functions/{function_id}/execute endpoint to submit a transaction that executes a contract function.

Example response
"transaction_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"

This means that there's a pending transaction waiting to be picked up and executed by the platform.