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Use platform contracts

Our platform provides a set of default smart contracts to get you started. We offer different smart contracts based on the ERC721 Non-Fungible Token Standard and ERC1155 Multi-Token Standard to support your journey. Each contract presents a unique set of features and functionalities depending on your use case.

Variant NameTypeToken ID Assignment StrategyBulk MintSupports Editable Metadata*Gas Usage per Mint*
FrozenERC721ERC721AUTOMATIC MANUALNONOLow efficiency for buyers
FrozenERC1155ERC1155AUTOMATIC MANUALYESNOLow efficiency for buyers
FlexibleERC721ERC721AUTOMATIC MANUALNOYESMedium efficiency for buyers
FlexibleERC1155ERC1155AUTOMATIC MANUALYESYESMedium efficiency for buyers
SignatureERC721ERC721EXTERNALYESYESHigh efficiency for buyers

* Editable Metadata: Item metadata attributes can be updated even after items are locked or minted.

* Gas usage per mint: The lower efficiency means that buyers/end-users will have to pay more in gas costs than the higher efficiency contracts (this comparison is comprised only of our platform contract contracts).


All platform smart contracts support:

Frozen ERC721

The FrozenERC721 smart contract implements the ERC721 NFT standard. This smart contract provides permanent (frozen) metadata at the time of item minting, stored on IPFS.

Frozen ERC1155

The FrozenERC1155 smart contract implements the ERC1155 NFT standard. This smart contract provides ability to bulk mint items, and have permanent (frozen) metadata at the time of item minting, stored on IPFS.

Flexible ERC721

The FlexibleERC721 smart contract implements the ERC721 NFT standard. This smart contract supports off-chain metadata to start, and optionally moving to on-chain (storage via IPFS) once the collection is fully minted.

Flexible ERC1155

The FlexibleERC1155 smart contract implements the ERC1155 NFT standard. This smart contract provides ability to bulk mint items, and off-chain metadata to start, with optionally moving to on-chain (storage via IPFS) once the collection is fully minted.

Signature ERC1155

The SignatureERC721 smart contract implements the ERC721 NFT standard. This smart contract provides special ability to bulk mint ERC721 items, thus achieving a high gas cost efficiency for on-chain buyers if purchasing more than one. It also supports off-chain metadata to start, with optionally moving to on-chain (storage via IPFS) once the collection is fully minted.